Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Personal Creative Journey

I signed up for Scoutie Girls "52 Weeks of Blogging Your Passion" online workshop/ ebook because I feel a connection to those who have a deep authenticity entwined with their work and I need to get better at doing this.  Part of growing my own business and branding it involve answering questions like this:

  • What am I worth and more importantly what is my work worth? 
  • How do I stand out from other indie business owners in a way that is memorable, fun and well.... real?
  • Once I figure that out- how do I get comfortable with telling my story so that others see what I'm worth too? 
  • What is Authentic and Real for me? I don't just want to blog, tell my story, build a creative community just to sell stuff- I actually want to do it for higher purposes, in a mindful way, and give back what others bestow upon me.
  • How do I balance my intense (and rewarding) day job, my life (family, home, friends, sleeping), and growing my clothing line?

These are just a few of the questions that I've been ruminating on seriously for awhile now. I mean months... many months.

I've often struggled with telling my authentic story because usually I like to have a personal life, like a top secret personal life and until now I haven't been able to find a middle ground between keeping things personal and telling my story as part of connecting with a larger audience.  My growth as a person and a crafter:
  • letting more of my personal life be a part of my work.
  • embracing the truth that I am creative and can drive ideas into products and then into the market place just like my crafty heroes- you would think that this is something I already know,for me it's taking time and alot of personal work to actually own what I am.

So how does knowing what I'm worth, accepting my creativity, and setting pricing for my products, and really just feeling confident in my work all tie together?

These are all questions that I'll be asking and exploring as I tell my personal creative journey in the next few months.

If you have a similar story I'd love to hear from you- what things have you done to make space in your life for everything and to blossom into a publicly creative business person?


CupKay said...

LOVE YOUR BLOGG. Following :)

Rebekah The Craft Fiend said...

I am excited to have you reading my blog! Thanks for your kind words too.